Category Archives: Indie-rock&pop


Wpis ze specjalną dedykacją dla K.

Są na świecie pewne oczywistości. Pierwsza z nich to oczywista oczywistość, ale nie o niej tutaj mowa, bo polityki staram się tu nie poruszać. Są oczywistości takie jak to, że chleb spada zawsze posmarowaną stroną w dół, Beatlesi byli lepsi od Rolling Stonesów, Legia jest lepsza od Lecha, Sean Connery był lepszym Bondem niż Moore i takie tam.  Nie ma z nimi dyskusji i dzięki temu nasze życie pełne niejasności i niewiadomych zyskuje enklawy pewności.

Jest też oczywistość taka, że jak czekolada leży w domu, to ją zjadamy, a nie każemy jej leżeć na półce, kurzyć się i czekać na nie wiadomo co. Szczególnie, jeżeli jest to prezent. Czekolada jest po to, żeby zmieniać nasze życie na lepsze, ale jest to możliwe tylko wtedy, kiedy ją zjemy i pozwolimy na zwiększenie poziomu serotoniny w naszym organizmie i inne alchemiczne przemiany, które czekolada dokonuje w naszych ciałach i umysłach.  Jak jej nie zjemy, to tak jakbyśmy sobie kupili Astona Martina DB9 i postawili w garażu nigdy nie wyjeżdżając nim na drogę. Obciach i bezsens. Zatem niezjedzona czekolada na półce, to taki Aston Martin, którym nikt nie jeździ i rdzewieje z każdym dniem tracąc na wartości. Do takich rzeczy dopuszczać nie wolno. Dajcie szansę czekoladzie zmienić swoje życie.

 Tindersticks – Chocolate

10 Tunes That Will Help You To Avoid Autumn Depression

Days are shorter, nights are becoming longer and colder. Wind is moving leafs on pavements. Autumn is already here. Although in Poland it’s still not that bad and I’m still able to ride my motorcycle without risk of getting rheumatism within five minutes of ride, some of my friends are alraming me about depressive nature of this season. In answer to these voices I prepared list of 10 tunes which will help you to preserve warm good mood during this time.
I wish to be a bear and sleep till early autumn spring but unfortunately I’m not, so probably I’ll have to listen to these tracks too.

(1) Bob Marley feat. Layryn Hill ‘Turn Your Lights Down Low’

(2) Mint Royale ‘Blue Song’

(3) Furns ‘Haunt Me’

(4) Basement Jaxx ‘Bingo Bango’ (David Morales Latin Bango RMX)

(5) Stakka Bo ‘Here We Go Again’

(6) Bobby Womack California Dreaming

(7) Mc Solaar ‘Les Temps Changent’

(8) Lemongrass ‘You Gotta Be Free’ (feat. Karen Gibson Roc)

(9) Empire Of The Sun ‘Walking On A Dream’

 (10) Chris Coco – Summer Time


King Krule “6 Feet Beneath the Moon” LP (review)


I planned to write some reviews here from the beginning of this site but I never had enough determination to make it happened. I have some drafts but never decided to publish them. FinalLy, here is a first, brief review of one of the best debuts I’ve heard this year so far.

First time I came across Archy Marshal aka King Krule when I found this great The Streets cover. Than I listened to his EP released in 2011 and from that moment I was sure that if this young guy will continue his musical journey it’s going to be a very interesting one.

And finally we have his first LP “6 Feet Beneath the Moon”.
I expected electronic album full of effects and various musical ideas but this LP is surprisingly frugal considering its formal side. In fact KK appeared here more as a vocalist than a producer. And he is a hell of a vocalist. For me, from this LP, he is one of the biggest young prospects in alternative music. He has very different shades in his vocal performance – from some kind punk aggressiveness through lyrical sensitivity (“Baby Blue”) to even some blues touches. And what is a great value he is very true and credible in his singing, which is not that obvious these days. His texts are his own and you can hear it.

And while I expected more electronic sounds, music is absolutely not disappointment here. There is a lot of guitar transmitted through effects, very good and various beats, plain piano parts and this great reverbs and echoes which we already know from his previous productions. This album also surprises with songs like “A Lizard State” which begins as an indie-rock and goes right to some jazzy realm and straight from that point we are taken to some soft downtempo beats in “Will I Come”.
I have no idea how a production of this LP looked like but what I like about it that it sounds so straightforward. There is no trait of calculation, any kind of pleasing the audience with some fashionable sounds and production news.

I think this album is a bit to long. With over 52 minutes in loses somewhere its dramaturgy and sometimes you can have a deja vu expirience thinking, that You’ve already heard this part earlier. But in fact it’s not that bad because most of the parts here are realy good.
This is a great LP and I’m sure that KK will show us much more in future. He is a very talented guy, and he is very true in what he’s doing. He’s going to make big mess here. Waiting for more.

Rating: 8.5/10

Artist: King Krule
Album: 6 Feet Beneath The Moon
Year of release: 2013
Label: True Panther Sounds

Here a fantastic first single: