Tag Archives: electronica

Wamdue Project “King Of My Castle” (original1997 version)&(1999 version)

Most people know Wamdue Project for 1999 version of “King of My Castle”, which was very popular, as was its video with scenes from great anime “Ghost in the Shell”. But they have more to listen to. A good example is original version od “King of My Castle” which is not known while beeing more interesing with sophisticated sound and great space, rythm and flow.

I recommend their great album “Program Yourself”.

Below 1997 and 1999 versions of “King of My Castle”:



Barbara Morgenstern “Aus Heiterem Himmel” (Lawrence Mix)

I like tunes which with a very plain means go somewhere deep. When a simple rythm, voice and melody create some unusual space giving various colours, temperatures and textures of sounds. Like here:

UPDATE: As You can see this video is no longer aviliable on Youtube, but as soon as I’ll find it somewhere  else i’ll put a proper link here. If You know where this mix is, please let me know via email, You can find in “contact”.

UPDATE 2: I found it here: